Monday, January 13, 2014

How I stuff a boys Cloth Diaper

Ok, so I been asked by many of my friends how I stuff my cloth diapers for my son. So many of my friends complain that with cheaper brands like Sunbaby *pictured* JC Trade, Alva, that no matter their inserts they leak! Well I have NEVER even bought anything besides MicroFiber inserters, well besides the ones I just made :) So, I have shown my friends and they love it! I thought I would take a few pictures to show you what I do. Sorry I only have a cell phone as a camera for now, so not the best photos, if it is hard to understand I will try to make a video. So, here goes...

First I take 2 inserts, 1 I fold in half and lay on top like a T:

So it should look like this on top of the diaper:

I grab both inserts from the top as pictured:

Should look like this when you turn your arm over, long insert goes down the base of your arm:

While holding both I insert into the diaper, with my hand palm down, and the diaper inside up as shown:

This should be finished result: 

DIY cloth diaper inserts for mega cheap! Score!

So, I made a trip to Jo-Ann Fabrics and bought me some *link* Terry Cloth and used my 40% off coupon that they always have at the store, plus my 10% off coupon for my online business. I got a bit over a yard for less than $4 =) yeah baby!

Than, I took my diaper inserts that I already have, chose the Alva brand for comparison, and measured it 12.5inL 5inW and started to cut it up, works up really fast if you just lay your insert down and just keep going. I did long enough strips that I just had to cut in half length wise to get 2.

With just over a yard, I was able to get 30 pieces with some scrap left over. I will be using the scrap for a Swifter Floor Cleaner cover ;)

I sewed 2 pieces together, layering them on top of each other, leaving an opening at one end, like you would a blanket, than I would turn right side out, and tuck in the opening, sew closed, and keep going to make a boarder.

I do not have a searger at the moment, plus I prefer the security of the double sew on an item that will be used, and washed a lot! so you could probably do this with a searger with out having to flip right side out and so on.

Ending Result:

Comparison to an older bought Alva Insert:

Comparison of the corners, and stitching:

Saturday, August 24, 2013

KinderMat Cover

This is not a tutorial this time. I hope to make another in the near future and make it a tutorial but this time i just winged it, was not sure how it was going to turn out. I started by looking online and searching DIY Mat covers... Came across one that i liked for the most part here Sew Like My Mom Blog. I thought it was cute, and had a bit more than i needed like the extra owl and name. I went off of it to kind of create my own. I decided that having a blanket, pillow and cover that they should be attached Right?! lol easier for a child to store them selves. so before i was done, i attatched the blanket and the pillow realizing wow it is hard to sew everything together, realized after that the pillow shifted a bit on me (well in my response, hey i couldnt see it, it was inside covered by the mat cover materials lol) we all learn from our mistakes! but all in all i think it turned out good. my son had fun picking out the materials for it, so he will have a great surprise in the morning! here are some pictures as of now i only got cell phone pictures :( what do you expect for 2:30am :P

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Etsy in the making

So, I am currently being educated about Etsy. I am opening up shop, but at the same time learning on how to better my items. so i may be changing things up for the better. which also means if you have any suggestions for me please leave me a comment or message me. I am first going to be taking a new direction on some photos, for that has been brought up by a few fellow Etsy followers. But it may take some time, Unfortunately I have to purchase a new camera Eeekk. and hope that my kido's dont get to it this time lol. Im working on adding better descriptions, and tags as well. so thing are going to be changing, but with all things learning, they can only get better! I have even added some crochet items :) and going to be making more RTS items as well. so far my best sellers, and FB "likes" are Seat Belt Sleeves, Seat Belt Pillows, Car Seat Straps... Hmm maybe i should stick to cars huh!? lol

My Etsy Shop

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Turn a fabric tube right side out! :)

SO all these people on Youtube are talking about these sets you can buy. basically a Tube and a stick.. i decided today to cut a regular sized child marker tip off, and pull off the other end.. Bam! Tube! :)

than i took it and inserted in the tube and pushed the fabric so it was bunched up almost to the other end.

than i took a crochet hook, seems how i have tons of sizes ;) i will call this my "stick" lol i used this to push the fabric through the marker tube until it all was through! Walla! $$$ saved same with time!

Good thing about this is Markers come in all sorts of sizes, and if you have toddlers like mine, they are bound to break the tip off. so turn that useless marker into a tool! :)

Enjoy.. *note to you YES i am a bit crazy! :)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

feel a little down.

So, It's been over a month and all i have gotten is requests for free items, and participated in multiple give aways, with no actual buyers :( feeling a bit down. but i will not cave in, will not give up. just need to figure out what i should be making more of pre-made instead of custom and where i will actually make more sales, ebay, etsy, facebook.... decisions decisions.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

DIY baby toys

ok so I know baby toys are EXPENSIVE.. and the only use they get 90% of the time, is thrown around, or just break for no apparent reason! So all you really need is fabric/ribbon scraps and you make a ton! even your oopsy's from other projects can turn into a toy! its so easy that i dont feel i need to even explain much more than sew ribbon and 2 pieces of fabric what ever shape together.. bam a toy! you can stuff some plastic inside, and you got a noise maker... throw some noise makers inside too! what ever you want! save some money on toys that just keep going up and up in price!

this was my mess up strap. so i stuffed it instead!