Ok, so I been asked by many of my friends how I stuff my cloth diapers for my son. So many of my friends complain that with cheaper brands like Sunbaby *pictured* JC Trade, Alva, that no matter their inserts they leak! Well I have NEVER even bought anything besides MicroFiber inserters, well besides the ones I just made :) So, I have shown my friends and they love it! I thought I would take a few pictures to show you what I do. Sorry I only have a cell phone as a camera for now, so not the best photos, if it is hard to understand I will try to make a video. So, here goes...
First I take 2 inserts, 1 I fold in half and lay on top like a T:
So it should look like this on top of the diaper:
I grab both inserts from the top as pictured:
Should look like this when you turn your arm over, long insert goes down the base of your arm:
While holding both I insert into the diaper, with my hand palm down, and the diaper inside up as shown:
This should be finished result:
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