Monday, January 13, 2014

How I stuff a boys Cloth Diaper

Ok, so I been asked by many of my friends how I stuff my cloth diapers for my son. So many of my friends complain that with cheaper brands like Sunbaby *pictured* JC Trade, Alva, that no matter their inserts they leak! Well I have NEVER even bought anything besides MicroFiber inserters, well besides the ones I just made :) So, I have shown my friends and they love it! I thought I would take a few pictures to show you what I do. Sorry I only have a cell phone as a camera for now, so not the best photos, if it is hard to understand I will try to make a video. So, here goes...

First I take 2 inserts, 1 I fold in half and lay on top like a T:

So it should look like this on top of the diaper:

I grab both inserts from the top as pictured:

Should look like this when you turn your arm over, long insert goes down the base of your arm:

While holding both I insert into the diaper, with my hand palm down, and the diaper inside up as shown:

This should be finished result: 

DIY cloth diaper inserts for mega cheap! Score!

So, I made a trip to Jo-Ann Fabrics and bought me some *link* Terry Cloth and used my 40% off coupon that they always have at the store, plus my 10% off coupon for my online business. I got a bit over a yard for less than $4 =) yeah baby!

Than, I took my diaper inserts that I already have, chose the Alva brand for comparison, and measured it 12.5inL 5inW and started to cut it up, works up really fast if you just lay your insert down and just keep going. I did long enough strips that I just had to cut in half length wise to get 2.

With just over a yard, I was able to get 30 pieces with some scrap left over. I will be using the scrap for a Swifter Floor Cleaner cover ;)

I sewed 2 pieces together, layering them on top of each other, leaving an opening at one end, like you would a blanket, than I would turn right side out, and tuck in the opening, sew closed, and keep going to make a boarder.

I do not have a searger at the moment, plus I prefer the security of the double sew on an item that will be used, and washed a lot! so you could probably do this with a searger with out having to flip right side out and so on.

Ending Result:

Comparison to an older bought Alva Insert:

Comparison of the corners, and stitching: